For Facility Managers

We develop Electrification, Decarbonisation and Energy Efficiency strategies to help businesses to
transition to low or zero emissions operations.

We conduct Energy Audits to quantify the annual energy use breakdown and consumption profiles.  This insight is the first step to reducing energy consumption and the associated CO2 emissions.  The energy audit analyses identify energy upgrade projects opportunities.  In the audit report we identify energy efficiency projects with the estimated reduction in energy use and emissions, project costs and return on investment (ROI).  We are accredited to create Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (VEEC), under the Victorian Energy Upgrades program, which can substantially reduce projects costs and improve their ROI.

Mechanical Services Tuning projects, including Monitoring & Verification are an example of high impact, and low-cost measures to improve plant operation while reducing energy cost and emissions.

Our cloud based Data Analytics and Reporting platform provides automated diagnostics, fault detection and reporting functions.  It reduces the cost of maintaining mechanical plant and provides a powerful insight into plant operation and performance.  It can be easily integrated into any enterprise ESG Reporting platform to supply high quality energy use and emissions breakdown data feed.